Thursday, August 28, 2008

...why jason why?...

I just heard it straight from Mike and Mike that Jason Kidd is giving away his OLYMPIC GOLD MEDAL!! Get this... not to a charity or a museum. Not even to a child or a family member. He's giving it to Steve Wynn's wife!?!? And guess why? Because she's a "good friend" whom he met at a banquet. They chatted and ended up making a deal that if he won a gold medal, he'd give it to her. All because the Wynn's treated him so well in Vegas. *sigh*...must be nice to be a Wynn these days. Own a few hotels, get an Olympic Gold Medal as a biggie. :o/ Guess Jason Kidd is a guy that's good for his word.

Hey Jason, I've got an idea! How about giving it to your fellow Olympian and Elite Volleyball Vixen, Misty May Treanor. I mean the gal idolizes you so much she permanently imprinted her body with your jersey number! That counts for something, right?

Or for crying out loud... as someone smartly pointed out, how about COACH K? I'm sure he would adore a gold medal. After all, I saw him on the sidelines during the medal ceremony and man was he proud. Like a Dad watching his kids grow up. Shouldn't he be deserving of a medal too?

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